Principal’s welcome

Welcome to Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, an inclusive school for all children

Your child will enjoy a holistic, nurturing education here in our leafy grounds in St Ives on Sydney’s north shore. 

We welcome students and families of all backgrounds, cultures and religions to our school. Our aim is to nurture our students into agile, positive global citizens by providing them with a well-rounded education, based on the Catholic values which underpin our curriculum and guide all our actions. 

Enrichment and extension for all students

Within our green grounds and future-focused classrooms, all children can find an opportunity to succeed here. Every student has the benefit of dedicated enrichment activities and our ASPIRE program caters for academically gifted children. Drawing on the skills and experience of experts in our community and beyond, ASPIRE students are extended in all Key Learning Areas including Visual Arts and STEM in our new STEM lab. 

Student voice in community-centred environment 

When students are engaged in authentic and meaningful learning their chance of success increases. That’s why we embrace student-led learning where our children make a very real contribution to their education. Flexible learning spaces, use of technology, innovative problem solving and student leadership are evidence of the way our students contribute to their learning at Corpus Christi. 

Parents and guardians are integral members of our school and I encourage you to be actively involved in the school and parish. You can find out more about our P&F and opportunities to support Corpus Christi here.

I look forward to welcoming you to Corpus Christi and invite you to take a personal school tour by contacting us on 02 7256 2114 or

Jayne Wheen

Master of Educational Leadership
Master of Human Relations and Community Education